FAQ TITLE = Download the software update from MyUVO for free and take advantage of the new features that help minimize distractions on the road when getting directions, sending and receiving messages, making calls, and listening to music - Update today!
FAQ Description = UVO Software Update
IN CAR = true
MOBILE = false
WEB = false

Title = Download the UVO App
1 --> Go to <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/uvo-eservices/id588729103?mt=8" target="_blank">App Store<sup>&reg;</sup></a> or <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ubivelox.hkmc.tm2.ics&hl=en" target="_blank">Google Play<sup>TM</sup></a>
2 --> Search for and download <strong>UVO</strong> <span style="font-weight:bold;">e</span><strong>Services</strong>
3 --> Install the app

Title = Register a MyUVO Account
1 --> Launch <strong>UVO</strong> <span style="font-weight:bold;">e</span><strong>Services</strong> app and click on <strong>Register</strong>
2 --> Enter your <strong>EMAIL, PASSWORD,</strong> and <strong>MOBILE PHONE NUMBER</strong>
3 --> Read and agree to <a href="https://www.myuvo.com/legal/terms-of-service.shtml" target="_blank">Terms & Conditions</a> and <a href="https://www.myuvo.com/legal/privacy-policy.shtml" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a>, click on <strong>NEXT</strong>, and click <strong>Continue</strong>

Title = Activate UVO
1 --> Go to the vehicle and follow the instructions for <strong>IN-CAR UVO SETUP</strong>
2 --> Once your vehicle has activated, completely turn off vehicle.

Title = Download the Update
1 --> Using a PC or Mac that meets the requirements above, browse to <strong><a href="https://www.myuvo.com/" target="_blank">myuvo.com</a></strong> and log in
2 --> Click on <strong>VIEW LATEST SOFTWARE</strong> in the vehicle tile
3 --> Click on <strong>VIEW DETAILS</strong>
4 --> If you do not have Apple CarPlay<sup>TM</sup> or Android Auto<sup>TM</sup> compatibility, click <strong>"Mine is different, let's update!"</strong>
5 --> Click on <strong>Download Latest Software </strong>
6 --> Read and agree to <i style="font-style: italic;">Software Update Legal Terms & Conditions</i>
7 --> Click on <strong>Begin Download</strong><br /><br /> <i style="font-style: italic;"> Please Note:</i>If you do not see the download, please check your browser's security settings.

Title = Execute Download Tool on Windows XP<sup>®</sup> or higher
1 --> Once downloaded, click on <strong>RUN</strong>
2 --> Click on <strong>YES</strong> to run Download Tool
3 --> Connect a compatible USB drive to your computer and click on <strong>Retry</strong>
4 --> Once connected, the software update download will begin. <strong>DO NOT</strong> disconnect device until download is complete.

Title = Execute Download Tool on OS X<sup>®</sup> 10.7 or higher
1 --> Once downloaded, open the downloaded <strong>DMG</strong> file
2 --> Click on <strong>OPEN</strong> on the system pop-up screen
3 --> Double click on the icon to initiate Download Tool
4 --> Connect a compatible USB drive to your computer and click on <strong>Retry</strong>
5 --> Once connected, the software update download will begin. <strong>DO NOT</strong> disconnect device until download is complete.

Title = Update Vehicle Head Unit
1 --> Park vehicle in a secure, well-ventilated area and completely turn off vehicle
2 --> <strong>Connect</strong> USB drive into the USB port in your vehicle and start your vehicle's engine
3 --> Press <strong>SETUP</strong> button on head unit
4 --> Scroll down and select <strong>SYSTEM INFO</strong> icon on the screen
5 --> Select <strong>UPDATE</strong>, located at the bottom of screen
6 --> <strong>DO NOT</strong> stop engine during update process<br /><br/> <i style="font-style: italic;">Please Note:</i> Update will take approximately 20 minutes. Actual time may vary.
7 --> Once update is complete, the system will automatically reboot to either the Disclaimer or Home Screen.<br /><br/> <i style="font-style: italic;">Please Note:</i> It is normal for Display screen to go black multiple times.
8 --> Verify that the software version has been updated by going to <strong>SYSTEM INFO</strong>
9 --> Once verified, navigate to <strong>CONNECTIVITY</strong> in the Setup menu
10 --> Turn <strong>ON</strong> Enable Android Auto (for Android smartphones only) or turn <strong>On</strong> enable Apple CarPlay<sup>TM</sup> (for iPhone<sup>®</sup> only)
11 --> For Android smartphones only, download the <strong>Android Auto App</strong> from <strong><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.projection.gearhead&amp;hl=en" target="_blank">Google Play</a></strong> and follow pairing instructions from the app.<br/><br/><i style="font-style: italic;">Please Note:</i> CarPlay<sup>TM</sup> does not require an additional app download.
12 --> Plug USB cable into mobile device and vehicle USB port
13 --> Select CarPlay<sup>TM</sup> / Android Auto<sup>TM</sup> icon on the vehicle's home screen<br><br><i style="font-style: italic;">Please Note:</i> For iPhone<sup>®</sup>, if you wish to allow CarPlay to run while your phone is locked, select "Allow" when prompted <i style="font-style: italic;">"Allow CarPlay with Kia Motors while phone is locked?"</i>

NOTE TITLE = <strong>IMPORTANT</strong>
NOTE DESCRIPTION = <i style="font-style: italic;">Click <span style="font-weight: bold;"><a href="https://www.myuvo.com/support/aa-cp-troubleshooting.shtml" target="_blank">here</a></span> to view Troubleshooting Guide.</i>