Save time and postage by having your monthly payment automatically debited from your bank account. Complete one of the following options to enroll:
One time payments are available through your account using your home computer or any mobile device.
View the options below to mail a one-time payment to us. Be sure to include both your payment and remit coupon. If your remit coupon isn’t available, please write your account number on the check.
IMPORTANT: For the retail payoff check mailing address, refer to the "Payoffs and Titles" category below
IMPORTANT: For lease payoff checks to purchase your leased vehicle, refer to the "Payoffs and Titles" category below
Call (800) 325-6000 to find a location. Western Union will require the following information to process your payment:
Call (800)926-9400 to find a location. MoneyGram will require the following information to process your payment:
Western Union or MoneyGram will charge you a convenience fee for these services. KFA may retain a portion of this fee. When using one of our "cash only" locations, please reference your billing statement to ensure you have the correct account number and codes.
It is not possible to use a credit card to directly pay your bill with Kia Finance America. However, you may pay using Visa or MasterCard through Western Union Quick Collect. Fees and restrictions apply.
There is a convenience fee to use this service.
Payments made online, using the automated phone system, or with a live phone representative will post to your Kia Finance America account for the selected scheduled date if submitted prior to 8pm Eastern time on any day. Payments submitted after 8 p.m. Eastern time will be posted to your account on the next business day. It may take up to 24 hours from the posting date for the payment to be reflected in your online payment history. It may take up to 5-7 days for your payment to be reflected in your bank account. For issues concerning your bank account, please consult your bank or financial institution if necessary.
To access your payment history:
Yes! If you go paperless, you will receive an email notification when your monthly statement is available for viewing online. To enroll:
Note: When you sign up for automatic recurring payments, you will automatically be enrolled in our Paperless program, as well as enjoy the ease of having your payment automatically debited from your bank account each month.
On retail accounts, the due date can be changed a maximum of 2 times during the contract term, but no more than once per calendar year. It can be changed once online by visiting the My Profile page. The date can be moved up to 20 days beyond the current due date. To change your due date, your account must be current. Lease accounts are not eligible for due date changes.
All financial companies need to share customer’s personal information to run their everyday business. The types of personal information we collect and share depends on the product or service you have with us. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing.
To learn more about what we can share, why we might share it, and how you can limit this sharing, please read the Kia Finance America Consumer Privacy Notice.
Our Online Privacy Policy explains how we protect your privacy while using our website.
Any costs associated with the operation of the vehicle are your responsibility. This includes personal property tax which is charged based on your garaging/registration address and may also be referred to as excise tax, ad valorem, or motor vehicle tax. If you believe you are exempt from property tax or have been charged incorrectly, contact your local tax authority to determine if you are eligible for exemption or abatement.
To update your address:
If you have moved out of state:
You may choose to purchase or lease a new vehicle, purchase your current vehicle, or simply return your vehicle.
Please visit our Lease-End Overview page for a detailed explanation of what you need to do to pursue each of these options.
You have the option to turn in your vehicle at any time. However returning your vehicle too far in advance of your scheduled maturity date may be considered an early termination under your lease agreement. Our team of Lease-End Advisors will be happy to help with any questions you may have. You can contact a Lease-End Advisor at (855) 537-8542, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Eastern.
The following charges may be included on your End of Term Invoice, if applicable:
Visit our Lease-End Overview and select the "Buy Your Current Kia" option on this page for full instructions on how to request a buyout quote.
If your vehicle is garaged/registered in CO, DC, FL, HI, IN, PA, SD, SC, you will need to contact a Dealership to purchase the vehicle.
Once you've received your quote, log-in to your account (go to My Account > Document Request) to submit the Odometer Disclosure Statement and electronically sign the document.
Then mail your payoff check to: